SFaC - Components visual tour

Here is a list of components proposed by the Swing Framework and Components (SFaC) with short description and screenshots. The word "Component" has to be taken largely. "Components" provided here simple class or set of classes targeted to some visual result, but they are not necessary themselves JComponents (ex: layout manager, controllers ...)

The aim of this list is to allow quick browsing, a link to a more detailed description is proposed for each component.

The sorting table

The SortTable is a JTable with following additional features:

  • Sorting on one or multiple columns.
  • Hiding of some columns.
  • Resorting the table state from previous sessions (column width, column order, hidden columns, sort)
  • Table headers listening to special mouse gesture and providing right-click drop down menu to configure sort and hidden columns

TODO: compare with standard JTable sort

TODO: screenshots

See SortTable detailed description for more info.

The MultiBorderLayout

The MultiBorderLayout is a LayoutManager working like the GridBagLayout but allowing to add borders inside the panel. Those special border can contain components (usually little control buttons) and can expand and collapse.

This LayoutManager allows to build new kind of dynamic swing screens.

TODO: screenshots

See MulitBorderLayout detailed description for more info.

The POJO editor API

The ObjectEditor is a set of controllers (the "C" part in "MVC" pattern) that allows you to create form panels to edit any object. This little API allows to compose/reuse/customize the controllers and the generated screens.

It is an alternative to classic GUI builders, where the result is more object-oriented and more reusable but as a counterpart it's requires some coding and a good understanding of the API structure.

TODO: screenshots

See ObjectEditor detailed description for more info.

Miscellaneous components

Those miscellaneous are JComponents with little added behaviors. So, they will not deserve a special page for detailed description. If you want more info about how to use them, go in the component javadoc.

Roll-over split pane

This is a customized split pane tries to avoid visual noise by hiding the split bar and displaying it only when the mouse is over it.